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Contents : 
RakRak Framework 3 RakRak Framework II RakRak Workflow II
This is our technical Support Site for inquiries of RakRak Framework 3.

Mon to Fri 9:00 to 17:00
We are closed sat, sun, national holidays, May 01, Dec 29 to Jan 03.
You can register your inquiry for 24 hours 365 days.
 New Issue
This is a function to register a new Issue about RakRak Framework 3.
 Status of Issues
This is a function to confirm and update your Issues about RakRak Framework 3.
 Project Information
This is a function to register your environments about RakRak Framework 3 such as servers for development projects.
    To customers who contract technical supports
    Contact us using your User-ID for technical supports in the case of technical inquiries.
    To customers who contract maintenance services
    This is available for only inquiries of maintenance and bugs.
 FW Guide & Know-how
This shows Guide & Know-how such as FAQs.
The inquiries of RakRak Framework 3 from customers are gathered and composed like a dictionary.You can utilize it as application examples.
A usable function varies according to contract contents.
     This function is for the customers who contract maintenance services.
     This function is for the customers who contract technical supports.
     This function is for the customers who introduce RakRak Framework II.